Preparation is the key to success when taking any exam, but some revision techniques are more effective than others. While you may use specific techniques for each subject area, there are some approaches that work for all topics.

These three tips will help you revise effectively, so you make the most of your study time.

1.    Pinpoint Areas That Need Work

When revising for an exam, you can make the most of your time and efforts by first determining which areas of the material need the most work. Which topics do you feel the most confident about? Are there any topics you feel you still don’t understand or could use a little extra work?

Use your study guide and old exam pages to help you identify which areas need more attention.

While you may still lightly revise familiar topics, you will want to focus most of your efforts on the material you still don’t understand.

2.    Create a Revision Schedule

One of the most effective ways to revise all of the material you wish to cover is to create a schedule.

Make revising a priority by adding it to your weekly or daily schedule. From here, you can plan out the areas of the module you want to focus on. You can take it a step further by creating session plans if you wish. Session plans will allow you to cover specific areas of the materials, so you can ensure you cover everything you need.

Try not to be overambitious when making your schedule. Be realistic. If you overwhelm yourself, you’ll get discouraged and burned out. Do make sure that you allow yourself some time to relax when creating your schedule. Balance is important.

3.    Practice Answering Questions

practice paperPractice is an important part of the preparation process – whether you’re taking an oral or written exam.

Consider taking a practice exam. These mock exams will cover the material the real exam will cover, so you can be prepared to answer questions properly.

Mimic the exam conditions by working someplace quiet. Read through each question carefully, plan your answers, double check to make sure you’ve followed directions, and check your work before moving on to the next question.

If you can’t get a hold of a practice exam, try using past exams as a guide in preparing your answers. Write the questions down on a piece of paper, shuffle the papers, and pick questions to answer at random.

For best results, make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to revise for the exam, and avoid cramming the last minute.